Parallel Finite Element Method using Supercomputer (2023/7/10-14)

by Yang-Kuang Chao
397 觀看次數

Finite-Element Method is widely-used for solving various types of real-world scientific and engineering problems, such as structural analysis, fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, and etc. This lecture course provides brief introduction to procedures of FEM for 1D/3D steady-state heat conduction problems with iterative linear solvers and to parallel FEM. Lectures for parallel FEM will be focused on design of data structure for distributed local mesh files, which is the key issue for efficient parallel FEM. Introduction to MPI (Message Passing Interface), which is widely used method as “de facto standard” of parallel programming, is also provided.

Solving large-scale linear equations with sparse coefficient matrices is the most expensive and important part of FEM and other methods for scientific computing, such as Finite-Difference Method (FDM) and Finite-Volume Method (FVM). Recently, families of Krylov iterative solvers are widely used for this process. In this class, details of implementations of parallel Krylov iterative methods are provided along with parallel FEM.

Moreover, lectures on programming for multicore architectures will be also given along with brief introduction to OpenMP and OpenMP/MPI Hybrid Parallel Programming.

Time & Venue

09:10-17:00, July 10 – 14, 2023
Room 505, Cosmology Building, NTU


Prof. Kengo Nakajima (The University of Tokyo)


(deadline June 15, 2023)



Murphy Yu
