第二次化學與生科跨領域交流研討會 (2021/12/7)

by Yang-Kuang Chao
895 觀看次數

經過第一次的交流會後,參考與會老師的建議,我們嘗試加入另一種形式的交流,以「三分鐘挑戰」模式,提出目前您研究或領域上的挑戰,邀請不同領域的大家,一起來腦力激盪。這個挑戰應該是具體的,如: 「如何即時觀測到xxx和yyy的interaction」,或「如何將這套合成方法用於細胞中xxx的量測」。而您在三分鐘的簡報檔中,應該提供足夠的資訊,讓其他領域的學者能夠理解問題的本質,才能提出到位的想法。也建議您拋出一些初步的想法,可以更聚焦討論。


Platform for collaboration

  • 臺灣大學化學系 李弘文教授
  • 中研院分子生物研究所 呂俊毅研究員





舉辦地點/型式:線上會議 (將於會議前E-mail給報名的與會者)


時間 講者 / 主持人 內容
11:00-11:10 呂俊毅,李弘文 Platform for collaboration
11:10-11:25 陳健生 (成大食安) Protein-molecule interaction network and proteome arrays
11:25-11:40 鄭偉杰 (中研院基因所) Combinatorial chemistry, sugar-processing enzymes
11:40-12:20 三分鐘挑戰 (Part I)
1. 鄧述諄 (台大微生物所) To understand how stresses, aging, and diseases modulate protein folding
2. 涂熊林 (中研院化學所) developing strategy/method for single-cell proteomics analysis, for addressing biologically interesting/important questions. And identify good biological questions which can show its strength.
3. 史有伶 (中研院生化所) How to determine the protein-protein interactions underlying the size-invariant protein concentration gradient?
4. 章為皓 (中研院化學所) When I get an antibody, how do I determine the sequence of the region that recognizes its epitope in three days with the expense of less than 30,000 NT?
12:20-12:35 Break
12:35-12:50 陳昇宏 (中研院分生所) Cell dynamics and systems biology
12:50-13:05 林淑宜 (國衛院醫奈所) 奈米醫學,表面化學
13:05-13:45 三分鐘挑戰 (Part II)
5. 牟中原 (台大化學系) Over the last 15 years, we have developed mesoporous silica nanoparticle(MSN) into a multifunctional nanocarrier that can carry small molecular drugs, contrast agents, protein and nucleic acids. MSNs are biocompetible and give excellent blood circulation. The MSNs are entering a new phase of large scale production of GMP grade. We would like to collaborate with anyone who can propose a novel application in therapy or medical imaging.
6. 譚婉玉 (中研院生醫所) Visualize non-coding RNAs at DNA damage sites
7. 周雅惠 (中研院細胞與個體生物學研究所) (1) Measuring the dynamic concentration changes of odor plume in an open area and (2) measuring the energy dynamics (eg ATP) in single cell resolution in the brain of a behaving fly (Drosophila).
8. 鄭惠國 (中研院植微所) We would like to precisely determine the cell wall composition by using solid state NMR. Can somebody out there help out with this?



