2024台灣物理年會暨國家科學及技術委員會計畫成果發表會 (2024/1/24-26)

by Yang-Kuang Chao
530 觀看次數

The annual meeting is the most important event for the Physical Society of Taiwan (TPS). It provides a unique platform for physicists from Taiwan and the rest of the world to communicate their latest research results to a broad audience. In the past few years, the annual TPS meetings have attracted more than 2,000 participants yearly.

The 2024 annual meeting will be hosted by National Central University (NCU) from January 24 to 26, 2024, in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Distinguished speakers will deliver plenary talks on the most exciting new developments and parallel section talks on progress in a broad range of research fields in pure and applied physics and physics education. There are also topical symposia on quantum transport in many-body systems and merging energy Science. There will also be business meetings, outreach programs, and a meeting for the chairs of physics institutes in Taiwan.




National Central University (NCU)



Official Website

https://tps2024.conf.tw 2024物理年會-線上服務台/2024 TPS online service:https://forms.gle/TGojvN2Gw6iw9NwcA


Ms. Yann-Yeu Shieh (謝雁羽小姐)

Ms. Tzu-Yu Chen (陳姿妤小姐)

Tel:03-4227151 #65374
E-mail: tps2024@phy.ncu.edu.tw
