The 2nd International Symposium on New Frontiers in Reef Coral Biotechnology (2023/5/12)

by Yang-Kuang Chao
300 觀看次數

For the second year in a row, the theme will be “reef coral biotechnology,” and specifically the interface between basic science and conservation. It has never been more important to attempt to leverage what we know about these beautiful, albeit highly imperiled and fragile, ecosystems towards conserving them, and our invited speakers’ areas of expertise span all levels of biological organization: from molecules within coral cells, to coral tissues, to entire coral colonies, and then up to reef-scale processes.

We welcome submissions from those working on any of these topics, in addition to, more generally, coral reef ecology, conservation, and biotechnology. Our goal is to promote communication not only among local Taiwanese marine biologists, but also those within Southeast Asia and farther afield; we especially encourage participation from early-career researchers, including Master’s students, PhD candidates, and post-doctoral researchers. It is our hope that the presentations (and the discussions that follow) will encourage collaboration. As importantly, we envision that the tools and approaches shared amongst us can be tapped into to expedite our collective efforts to better understand, manage, and conserve coral reefs.






National Dong Hwa University
National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium
Ministry of Education (Taiwan)

Official Website


​NFRCB2023 Organizing Committee
Tel: +886-08-8825001 ext 1356 or +886-08-8825036
