聯合國IUPAP 100週年:2022國際女性科學科技聯合研討會 100th IUPAP: 2022 International Joint Symposium of Women in Science and Technology (2022/10/29-30)

by Yang-Kuang Chao
1677 觀看次數

慶賀聯合國資助的國際純粹與應用物理學聯合會 (The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, IUPAP) 成立 100 週年,台灣物理學會、中央研究院、台灣大學共同主辦,並由國家科學及技術委員會擔任指導單位,將於 2022 年 10 月29-30 日,舉辦聯合國 IUPAP 100 週年: 2022 國際女性科學科技聯合硏討會(100th IUPAP: 2022 International Joint Symposium of Women in Science and Technology)。


謹代表聯合國IUPAP_100 週年: 2022 國際女性科學科技聯合研討會籌備委員會,誠摯地希望您共襄盛舉參與會議。

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to welcome your participation in the coming 100th IUPAP: 2022 International Joint Symposium of Women in Science and Technology.

The Symposium is organized by the Physical Society of Taiwan, Academia Sinica, and the National Taiwan University, and supported by the National Science and Technology Council in Taiwan. We are inviting local and international scientists and practitioners in a variety of disciplines to share their experiences at the Symposium. We hope that through the discussion among speakers and participants, we are able to promote policies that incorporate diversity and inclusion to improve the status of women in the workplace all over the world.

We sincerely look forward to your participation in the Symposium. If you need further information about the Symposium, please feel free to contact us.


主辦與協辦單位 / Organizers & Co-organizers




Organizer: The Physical Society of Taiwan, Academia Sinica, National Taiwan University

Co-organizer: The Korean Physical Society, Science Promotion Engagement Center, Wu Chien-Shiung Education Foundation, The Society of Taiwan Women in Science and Technology

Adviser: National Science and Technology Council


時間與地點 / Date & Vanue

日期:2022 年 10 月 29-30 日

地點:國立臺灣大學博雅教學館 101 室

Date and Time: Oct. 29 (Sat) 09:00-17:00 / Oct. 30 (Sun) 09:00-17:00

Venue: Room 101, Bo-Ya Lecture Building, National Taiwan University, Taiwan


會議網站 / Website

聯絡資訊 / Contacts

羅月秀  Yueh-Hsiu Lo
E-mail: office@ps-taiwan.org 

呂冠樺  Kuan-Hua Lu
E-mail: khlu2021@ntu.edu.tw
